Thank you for supporting the
Charlottesville Food Justice Network!
The Charlottesville Food Justice Network is a key partner in coordinating emergency meal response to the COVID-19 crisis in and around Charlottesville. Thank you for supporting this vital work at this crucial time.
Donations to the Charlottesville Food Justice Network are maintained by City Schoolyard Garden. Please contact us at [email protected] with questions or concerns about your contribution. |
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' Increase My Impact
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Please upgrade your browser or download the latest version of' + ' Chrome or Firefox.'; } jQuery('#bloomerangForm1288192').after(html1288192); if (!Bloomerang.SpreedlyScriptLoaded) { Bloomerang.Util.load('', function() { return SpreedlyExpress != undefined; }, function() { SpreedlyExpress.onInit(function() { jQuery('#express-submit').attr('disabled', false); }); Bloomerang.initSpreedly = function() { SpreedlyExpress.init('OqOMv1ksjPtXEYHtCYsVXzEpCbR', { 'company_name': 'City Schoolyard Garden' }); }; Bloomerang.initSpreedly(); }); } Bloomerang.SpreedlyScriptLoaded = true; }; if (Bloomerang.paymentFormLoaded) { return false; } Bloomerang.paymentFormLoaded = true; window.captchaLoadCallback = function() { Bloomerang.gRecaptchaLoaded = true; }; Bloomerang.Util.load('', function() { return Bloomerang.gRecaptchaLoaded; }, function() { jQuery('.section.captcha').removeAttr('style'); jQuery('form.donation-form').data('captcha-id', grecaptcha.render('captcha1288192', { 'sitekey' : '6LdHe-IUAAAAAApUFa3QiZTt79-7A96hFP9kYOki' })); }, true, true); Bloomerang.transactionFee = 0.3; Bloomerang.transactionFeeRate = 0.022; Bloomerang.transactionFeeEft = Bloomerang.useKey('pub_5b40442a-510d-11e7-afbe-024e165d44b3'); Bloomerang.Util.getDonationAmount = function() { return Number(accounting.unformat(jQuery(".donation-form .section.donation input[name='donation-level']:checked").val() || jQuery(".donation-form #donation-amount").val())); }; // Register proper callbacks for various stages/outcomes of submission Bloomerang.Widget.Donation.OnSubmit = function (args) { jQuery(".btn-submit-donation").val("Donating...").prop("disabled", true).addClass("disabled"); var val = function (selector) { return jQuery(selector).val(); }; Bloomerang.Account .individual() .firstName(val(".donation-form #first-name")) .middleName(val(".donation-form #middle-name")) .lastName(val(".donation-form #last-name")) .homeAddress(val(".donation-form #street-address"), val(".donation-form #city"), val(".donation-form #state") || val(".donation-form #province"), val(".donation-form #zip-code") || val(".donation-form #postal-code"), val(".donation-form #country")) .homeEmail(val(".donation-form #email-address")) .homePhone(val(".donation-form #phone-number")) .applyDonationCustomFields(); if (jQuery(".donation-form #consent-all").prop("checked")) { Bloomerang.Account.optedInStatus(jQuery(".donation-form #consent-email").prop("checked"), jQuery(".donation-form #consent-mail").prop("checked"), jQuery(".donation-form #consent-phone").prop("checked")); } var amount = Bloomerang.Util.getDonationAmount() + Bloomerang.Util.getDonationTrueImpactAmount(); if (jQuery(".donation-form #recurring").prop("checked")) { Bloomerang.RecurringDonation .amount(amount) .fundId(val(".donation-form #fund")) .note(val(".donation-form #comment")) .frequency(val(".donation-form #frequency") || "Monthly") .startDate(val(".donation-form #start-date")) .applyDonationCustomFields(); // Need to do a null-check here because they might have a cached version of Bloomerang-v2.js if (Bloomerang.RecurringDonation.trueImpactEnabled && Bloomerang.RecurringDonation.trueImpactUsed) { Bloomerang.RecurringDonation .trueImpactEnabled(jQuery(".donation-form .true-impact .fee-amount").length > 0) .trueImpactUsed(jQuery(".donation-form .true-impact input:checked").length > 0); } } else { Bloomerang.Donation .amount(amount) .fundId(val(".donation-form #fund")) .note(val(".donation-form #comment")) .applyDonationCustomFields(); // Need to do a null-check here because they might have a cached version of Bloomerang-v2.js if (Bloomerang.Donation.trueImpactEnabled && Bloomerang.Donation.trueImpactUsed) { Bloomerang.Donation .trueImpactEnabled(jQuery(".donation-form .true-impact .fee-amount").length > 0) .trueImpactUsed(jQuery(".donation-form .true-impact input:checked").length > 0); } } if (jQuery("#donation-form #Checking").is(":checked") || jQuery("#donation-form #Savings").is(":checked")) { Bloomerang.Eft .accountNumber(val(".donation-form #accountNumber")) .routingNumber(val(".donation-form #routingNumber")) .type(jQuery("#donation-form .section.payment input[type='radio']:checked").attr("id")); } }; Bloomerang.ValidateDonationFormCaptcha = function() { if (typeof(grecaptcha) !== "undefined" && jQuery("#captcha" + Bloomerang.Data.WidgetIds.Donation).children().length) { var captchaResponse = grecaptcha.getResponse(jQuery(".donation-form").data("captcha-id")); if (captchaResponse) { jQuery(".donation-form .noCaptchaResponseError").hide(); Bloomerang.captchaResponse(captchaResponse); return true; } else { jQuery(".donation-form .noCaptchaResponseError").show(); return false; } } else return true; }; Bloomerang.scrollToElement = function(element) { var distance = 100; var offset = element.offset().top; var offsetTop = offset > distance ? 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